Friday, 3 August 2012

Unicorns do exist

Im going to convince you with
3 reasons why they may exist

1) They are shy. Hence, they dont show themselves. But that doesnt mean they dont exist right?

2) There are still many unexplored area on earth. For example, some parts of the amazon basin, the republic of congo and the east of kalimantan. Just to name a few. Hence no one knows whats in there unless they explore them but sometimes they cant cos the area is too inaccessible. And thats one of the reason why unicorns love forest, especially cloud forest. Cloud forests are like a higher version of rainforests. They are generally 1000 to 3000 meters above the sea level. Due to the altitude, moisture from the cloud condenses as it touches the tree top and forms tiny droplets. Hence, precipiation is frequent in a cloud forest. Also as a result, rainbows are often formed in the process.
There's nowhere more suitable for a unicorn to live in. And that is why unicorns are hardly seen anywhere now. They are deep in the cloud forest enjoying pcokets of sunshine and rainbows. (And that is why people always associate unicorns with rainbows. )

3) If there are signs of bigfoot and yeti existing(or existed), why not unicorns? In 1973, Dr. Olfert Dapper saw a wild unicorn in a woods. He's a writer and geographer from amsterdam. He wrote books about persia, africa, india and many more eventhough he have never been to those places. But, that doesnt mean his books are unreliable. Till this day, his book "description of africa" is still used by africanist. I dont know how dapper managed to write a book on africa without visiting that place and why a specialist used his book to study africa but since this really took place, means he's actually quite accurate and trustworthy right? Unicorns were also reported to exist in india,africa, france and china during the middle ages. Besides, its just a horse with a horn on its head right.

Actually. im just doing this out of fun. You dont have to take me seriously if you think unicorns don't exist

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